Ebal Díaz, his escape from Honduras and his refuge in Nicaragua after the extradition of his "friend JOH" » Criterio.hn

2022-06-22 12:09:49 By : Ms. YEROO GROUP

Ebal Díaz, his escape from Honduras and his refuge in Nicaragua after the extradition of his “friend JOH”Tegucigalpa.- "I'll be back soon!" were the words of the former minister of the presidency of Honduras and main ally of Juan Orlando Hernández, Ebal Díaz, a few days after losing power, amid speculation that he had fled the country due to to the rosary of acts of corruption that escort him.Five days after Xiomara Castro took office as the first woman president of Honduras, the strong man of “JOH”, as Hernández is popularly known, began planning his escape from Honduras, predicting that he would suffer the same fate as his friend, face the Justice.On January 13, the same day that the Public Ministry confirmed that it was investigating the former official, Díaz left for Mexico. dictatorship of which he was a part.During his stay in Mexico, his death was announced as false news that he came out to deny, however, in that same period he traveled to Nicaragua where he prepared his plan to take refuge with the permission of the dictatorial regime under the command of Daniel Ortega and his wife Rosario. Murillo.It was on February 16 that Díaz consummated his one-way trip to Nicaragua, just like a syndicate accused of corruption who flees and takes refuge in the protection offered by a dictator who was his ally during the time they served as authorities of the nation. .The “chronicle of an announced fact”, while JOH invoked the protection of the Central American Parliament, Díaz was already preparing his departure from Honduras, due to the fact that the United States was preparing the extradition request against Hernández.“I am sorry for what my friend Juan Orlando Hernández is experiencing, I worked with him in the National Congress and the Executive, I am aware of his decisions always inspired by the search for the best for Honduras,” Díaz said upon learning of JOH’s extradition request.The main figure of the criminal structure that was established in Honduras was requested by the United States to be prosecuted for drug trafficking crimes, being perhaps the second in command or at least a main figure of the regime, Díaz planned his escape to Nicaragua where he fled.“This only shows that they miss me a lot, but I will return soon”, words that could only be fulfilled if Díaz is requested for extradition by the Honduran government and Ortega turns him over or is captured by Interpol as long as the justice system issues its arrest warrant for the hitherto known acts of corruption.On January 13 I went to USA-Mex and they said I fled, I came back;on February 2 I went out again and they said I fled and they even “killed me in Mexico”, I also came back;Yesterday I went out again and they say I ran away again, but I'll be back soon.This just shows that they miss me a lot 🥰❤️ https://t.co/H35S0Uwagu pic.twitter.com/Uqzhqmd3vb– Ebal Díaz (@EbalDiazHN) February 16, 2022It was on Friday, June 20, that it became known that the Ortega-Murillo regime granted Nicaraguan nationality not only to Díaz but also to Ricardo Cardona, who served as secretary of the former Secretariat of Development and Social Inclusion (Sedis) and also as private secretary. and presidential chief of staff from 2014 to 2022.According to the information published by La Gaceta de Nicaragua, Díaz signed the application for nationalization from November 13, 2020 and Cardona from October 27, 2021, which was granted without complying with the regulations of that country to reside for three years in the territory as established by the General Law of Migration and Aliens.Despite the various complaints against Díaz and other former JOH officials, the Public Ministry did not issue arrest warrants against them, however, when the fact was known, the Court for the Deprivation of Assets of Illicit Origin ordered the securing and seizure of financial products against both reported the spokeswoman for the Judiciary.The accounts that were seized at the request of the late actions of the Public Ministry, add up to around four million lempiras, according to the prosecutor's spokesman, who also assured that the investigations against Díaz are "advanced."There are several lines of investigation against Díaz, one of them is for corruption in the Casas Contenedores project by the National Fiscal Support Unit (UNAF), which represents damage to the State for more than 1,200 million lempiras.Likewise, the Specialized Unit against Electoral Crimes maintains investigations for electoral fraud in the November 2021 elections, in which he tried to win a seat as a deputy in the Honduran Congress by falsifying the results.It should also be noted that Díaz, along with other allies of JOH, was investigated by the United States for alleged links to large-scale drug activity and his activities in money laundering.HIS FRIEND JOH AND HIS LIKENESS IN CORRUPTIONIn 2005, while Díaz was working as director of titling at the Property Institute (OP), he met JOH who would become his “friend and ally”.For 2010, Hernández is anointed president of the National Congress, in the accusation that the United States makes against him, it indicates that he was financed with money from Honduran cartels, he appoints Díaz as legislative manager of the National Congress directing the process for the establishment of the Model Cities which were renamed Employment and Economic Development Zones (ZEDE), also promoted the late Hourly Employment Law that lacerated the rights of workers.When Hernández assumes the presidency in 2013, through electoral fraud also financed by drug activity and theft of the Honduran Social Security Institute (IHSS), he anoints his friend Díaz as executive secretary of the Council of Ministers, a position he held between 2014 and 2018. In February of that year, he was promoted to Secretary of the Presidency.Also, he appeared as the director of the Committee for the Adoption of Best Practices of the ZEDE, which was nothing more than the sale of territory and national sovereignty, an action for which he could be accused of the crime of treason against the country.In 2018, a complaint was filed against him in the Special Prosecutor for the Protection of Women, accusing him of crimes of sexual harassment and unjust deprivation of liberty against a young woman.In addition to the rosary of acts of corruption, he served as secretary of the Foundation for the Integral Development of Honduras (Fundeih), according to a resolution of the Civil Associations Registration and Monitoring Unit (URSAC) of the Ministry of the Interior, issued on 9 November 2006,Fundeih drained, together with the Foundation for the Comprehensive Development of Honduran Women (Fundeimh), 48 million dollars from the Secretariat of Development and Social Inclusion (Sedis), according to an investigation by the late Support Mission Against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (MACCIH).As the Criterio.hn team anticipated before the National Party lost the November elections, the signing of the Bicentennial Integration Treaty between the dictators JOH and Ortega was more than an agreement to delimit the maritime borders in the Caribbean and the Pacific. between Honduras and Nicaragua.What many considered as "a historical fact" was a political move to obtain political asylum in Nicaragua that was consummated with Díaz and Cardona and that could increase the list of former officials linked to JOH.Nicaragua became a refuge for political leaders and drug traffickers, allowing them immunity and not being prosecuted for their criminal acts, such is the case of the former president of El Salvador, Mauricio Funes Cartagena, accused by the Salvadoran prosecutor's office of corruption and embezzlement of public funds.In 2016, Ortega granted him asylum together with his family and later gave him Nicaraguan nationality and appointed him an advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.In the same way, he did it with Funes' successor, former president Salvador Sánchez Cerén, who was issued an arrest warrant for crimes of illicit enrichment and money laundering, however, he sought refuge in Nicaragua and was granted nationality.Your email address will not be published.Required fields are marked with *This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.Learn how your comment data is processed.Criterio.hn is the benchmark digital communication medium from Honduras to the world in journalistic information and investigationWe are part of alliances and initiatives with: